John Boyd & The OODA Loop

John Barrett

John Barrett

John Barrett is a certified coach, teacher, and speaker with the John Maxwell Team. He's been personally trained and equipped by the #1 leadership expert in the world, Dr. John C. Maxwell, and many other world renowned mentors who are authorities in their fields of training.

John Boyd & The OODA Loop

John Boyd (1927-1997) was a highly influential military strategist, fighter pilot, and thinker. He is best known for developing the OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) Loop, a framework for decision-making and action in complex and fast-changing situations. Boyd’s ideas revolutionized military tactics and have been widely applied in various fields. He also developed the E-M Theory (Energy-Maneuverability), which focused on optimizing the performance of fighter aircraft.

While the E-M theory primarily refers to fighter aircraft, Boyd’s OODA loop has found applications beyond the military domain. It has been adopted in various fields, including business, law enforcement, and sports, as a model for effective decision-making, agility, and adaptability in all environments.

To live life with intentionality, you must be decisive. Indecision to action kills opportunity. Analyzing every detail stalls forward progress. William Arthur Ward said, “The optimist lives on the peninsula of infinite possibilities; the pessimist is stranded on the island of perpetual indecision.” Many people are stuck in the paralysis of analysis. They are drowning in a sea of distractions. 

It is very difficult to be decisive when we are preoccupied with figuring out every reaction to our actions before we make a move. I am not saying we should act recklessly, but most of us make excuses to talk ourselves out of acting at all. We get distracted by the details. 

During the Cold War, Commander John Boyd talked about how an F-16 fighter plane could beat a Russian MIG in a dogfight due to its agility in the hand of a decisive fighter pilot. Using the OODA Loop framework helped fighter pilots make faster decisions than their enemies. It’s better to make a wrong decision decisively and recover than to make no decision at all. Likewise, highly successful people make a decision, learn, course-correct, and make a new decision before their competition ever even makes their first decision. This ability to be agile is what makes them successful.

What decisions are you not making because you are overthinking and stalling on? Get decisive and start moving forward.

The OODA Loop describes a continuous cycle of four stages:

  1. Observe: Collect relevant information from the environment, including current conditions, events, and trends.
  2. Orient: Analyze and interpret the information gathered during the observation stage. This involves assessing the situation, understanding its context, and evaluating potential implications.
  3. Decide: Based on the orientation stage, make a decision about the most appropriate course of action. This decision should take into account the current circumstances and the desired outcome.
  4. Act: Implement the chosen course of action. This stage involves executing plans, deploying resources, and taking proactive steps to achieve the desired objectives.